The Study on the Globalization Trend of the
EU's Laws and the Affection
In the sight of China's Government to Access
to the Huage International Private Laws Reference
Cao Peizhong,Zhou Yanbo
(School of Literature and Laws, Shandong Agricultural University,Shandong,Taian,271000,China )
Abstract: European Communities, EC, as an international special region organization, has the futures of exceeding the states. It resulted in the possibility in the EC to globalization of the laws in the world scope and the laws development common or the cp-operation among the different states' laws or the different elements combination firstly. Firstly, the EC's laws globalization achieves its aim to legislate via the EC's laws to access to the multilateral trade mechanism with the strong political element, when the conflict of the laws between the EC's laws and world's laws, the EC promotes its laws via the shortcoming of the multilateral trade mechanism as well. The common features and the regulation of EC' laws is for helpful and guideline for China, especially to play an important role for the laws to protect function and establish the exclusive economic orders.
Key words: globalization trend affection
然而,海牙国际私法委员会主持讨论的海牙国际私法民商事的管辖和承认是以欧洲共同体(European Communities, EC)的布鲁塞尔1968年条约为蓝本的。欧洲共同体(European Communities, EC)的布鲁塞尔条约的历史命运,从一个侧面论及欧盟法律的全球化发展趋势。这一趋势对于中国法律将产生重大的影响。