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2017-06-23 21:29:00




在难点1的解决上,主要是利用Poser进行角色模型创作, 结合MAYA软件的扩展贴图,联合实现了女孩模型和材质贴图。这样就充分利用了这2个软件的优点,回避了它们自身的缺点。在难点2的解决上,则应用了融合变形器,使Poser 6中输出的序列帧连成完整的动作,解决了Poser动作不能输出的难题。在难点3的解决上,则采用了JoeAlter Shave And A Haircut, Maya的毛发插件,它完美地仅解决了毛发难题。在难点4的解决上,则运用了Maya自带的画笔工具Paint Effects, 它轻松地实现了这一效果。在难点5的解决上,则采用曲线做群集动画的粒子特效功能。通过Create Curve Flow和Instancer工具实现了从花蕊飞出无数花灯向远处的群集粒子流动画。在难点6的解决上,则采用了Particle Illusion 3.0,一款快速生成三维粒子特效的二维软件。它制作出了优秀的超炫粒子效果,让人叹为观止。




Non-mainstream animation and three-dimensional art animation short films, there are similarities in form, but also makes a difference. In this paper, the basic three-dimensional art animation video production http://www.51lunwen.com/master_degree.htmlworkflow, and digital media software with associated production of a real animated short film "girl's wish."

In this animated short film, I try to use three-dimensional style to show an illusory picture of aesthetic effect. In the animated short film http://www.51lunwen.com/master_degree.htmlproduction process, the authors make with their own unique ways to solve the three-dimensional animation production of the film in the six common ones difficult. They are: difficult one, girls models and textures achieved; difficult two girls action achieved; difficult three girls hair production and the real effects of the wind blowing achieved; difficult 4, Scene (the trees on the cliff , flowers, grass; and behind the trees and grass) is achieved; difficult 5, lantern exploded split again restored, flying from flower to the distant effects of numerous lantern achieved; difficulty 6, the final climax of part of the lantern light, and the increase in airflow to achieve.

In the difficult one solution, the principal is to use Poser to create role models, combined with the expansion of mapping software, MAYA, the joint realization of the girls, models and texture mapping. This will make full use of these two software, the advantages of avoiding their own shortcomings. In the difficult two-solving, then the applied deformation fusion device, so that the output of Poser 6 in the sequence of frames together into a complete action, solving problems Poser action could not be exported. In the difficult three-solving, then used JoeAlter Shave And A Haircut, Maya's hair plug-in, it just perfect hair problems solved. In the difficult four-solving, then used the Maya's own brush tool Paint Effects, it is easy to achieve this effect. In the difficult five-solving, then the adoption curve to do the cluster particle effects animation feature. Through the Create Curve Flow and Instancer tools to achieve numerous lantern flying from flower to the distant cluster particle flow animation. In the difficult six-solving, then using Particle Illusion 3.0, a three-dim

ensional particle effects quickly generate two-dimensional software. It is to produce excellent stunning particle effects, amazing.

After settlement of the above-mentioned difficulties, the art of animated short films finally realize the vision in the picture effect of aesthetic illusion. Its success for art animation short films and commercial animation creation, undoubtedly offers a bold new attempt!

Keywords: Three-dimensional animation; Art video; role; Modeling; Material; Production;









